绍兴-柯桥区 民营-外贸公司 50人以下
✧ We are manufacturer and global seller of upholstery fabrics. As a born-global business, we commenced our operation since 1991, providing solutions to global agents, furniture producers and fabric wholesalers. ✧ With Velena Textile, customers can save great time of finding new designs (due to the efforts we are making to update products line monthly), as well as enjoying very competitive prices. ✧ Simultaneously, we have two teams of quality inspection in place to double check each order, and they are effective in making sure that all products presented will satisfy customers’ demands. ✧ Originally, our major markets are located in Mediterranean area, and follow Uppsala model we slowly move our markets forward. At peak time, we exported $36m value products to global buyers. ✧ For some long-term partners, we have established strategic partnership and share mutual benefits, and each account is beneficial from our close cooperation. As for our products, we are confident about both price & quality due to our profession and passion in this industry.
俄语外贸业务 8-15K/月
俄语 绍兴-柯桥区 本科 1-3年
在线沟通 张灵刚
阿语外贸业务 8-15K/月
阿拉伯语 绍兴-柯桥区 本科 1-3年
在线沟通 张灵刚
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